Physical navigation presents an intuitive overview+detail technique in large high-resolution display environ- ments where users interact at different distances. Thus, the user interaction should be adapted to the user’s current position. This ongoing work presents bimanual interaction techniques that use distance-adapted map- ping of physical hands motion to virtual relative objects motion (named interaction scaling). Interaction scaling allows the user to manipulate high-resolution content with the appropriate accuracy at diverse distances. In our initial experiment, we considered two relative mapping functions: continuous mapping and zone mapping. The mapping functions manipulate the 2D position of the virtual cursor. The parameters for the 2D manipu- lation tasks (i.e., scaling, rotation, translation) are calculated from the virtual cursor behavior. We developed two bimanual interaction techniques for 2D object manipulation that support the interaction scaling: separated- cursors and connected-cursors method. The separated-cursors technique differentiates the users hands between dominant hand and nondominant hand. The connected-cursors technique uses an additional midpoint cursor that is located between both virtual cursors. In an explorative study we evaluated the separated-cursors tech- nique with and without interaction scaling. An interesting result is that the participants often needed less object selections to sort objects with interaction scaling compared to the scenario without interaction scaling.